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  • 张建伟
  • 2024年04月10日 10:01  来源: 点击:[]

  • 张建伟

    张建伟,工学博士,副教授。智能电网系副主任、电气工程专业学位硕士点负责人。澳大利亚悉尼科技大学国家公派博士,英国诺丁汉大学国家公派访问学者。自治区高等学校青年科技英才、人才开发基金获得者。IEEE PES电力电子化电力系统建模与特性分析技术分委会常务理事、内蒙古建筑智能用电安全标准委员会委员。主要从事矩阵变换器、新能源发电与储能、控制等领域的教学研究工作。





































    [1] J. Zhang*, Y. Wang, G. Liu, G. Tian. "A Review of Control Strategies for Flywheel Energy Storage System and a Case Study with Matrix Converter," Energy Reports, 2022(8): 3948-3963. SCI

    [2] 张建伟*,曹乔森,常海宸,田桂珍,刘广忱. "新能源汽车整流器的抗扰模型预测控制策略研究, " 太阳能学报2024, 45(01): 545-551. EI

    [3] 张建伟*,王云辉,田桂珍,刘广忱. "矩阵变换器的间接模型预测控制策略, " 电力电子技术202357(10)123-126. 【中文核心】

    [4] 王云辉,张建伟*,田桂珍,刘广忱. "基于矩阵变换器的飞轮储能模型预测控制策略," 电气工程学报, 2023,网络首发. 【中文核心】

    [5] 曹乔森,张建伟*,田桂珍,刘广忱. "基于直接转矩控制的双矢量直接电压模型预测控制策略," 电气工程学报, 2024,已录用. 【中文核心】

    [6] 张建伟*,杨再欣,王云辉,刘广忱. "基于EKF参数辨识的矩阵变换器间接模型预测控制电气传动2024,已录用. 【科技核心】

    [7] 张建伟*,刘庆,田桂珍,刘广忱. "飞轮储能系统的充放电复合控制策略与应用研究, " 内蒙古工业大学学报(自然科学版)202241(05): 451-457. 【科技核心】

    [8] 张建伟*,刘广忱."新能源发电技术类课程融入课程思政路径探讨, "新教育时代, 2022(49): 99-101.

    [9] 张建伟*,王佳宇, "三相直接矩阵变换器模糊滞环控制策略," 电气工程学报, 202116(01)48-54. CSCD

    [10] 张建伟*,王磊, "NPC三电平逆变器的变环宽滞环控制策略," 电工技术, 2021(5):11-14.

    [11] 张建伟*,刘广忱,田桂珍,张娜,王志和. "三相直接AC/AC矩阵变换器在分布式发电和微电网中的应用研究, " 内蒙古工业大学学报(自然科学版)202039(03)16-23. 【科技核心】

    [12] J. Zhang*, L. Li, D. G. Dorrell, M. Norambuena, J. Rodriguez, "Predictive Voltage Control of Direct Matrix Converter with Improved Output Voltage for the Renewable Microgrid Applications," IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 296-308, 2019.SCI

    [13] J. Zhang*, M. Norambuena, L. Li, J. Rodriguez, D. G. Dorrell, "Sequential Model Predictive Control of Three-Phase Direct Matrix Converter," Energies, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 1-14, 2019.SCI

    [14] J. Zhang*, L. Li, D. G. Dorrell, Y. Guo, "Modified PI controller with improved steady-state performance and comparison with PR controller on direct matrix converters," Chinese Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 53-66, 2019. CSCD

    [15] J. Zhang*, H. Yang, T. Wang, L. Li, D. G. Dorrell, D.D.C. Lu, "Field-Oriented Control based on Hysteresis Band Current Controller for a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor driven by a Direct Matrix Converter," IET Power Electronics, vol. 11, no. 7, pp. 1277-1285, 2018. SCI

    [16] J. Zhang*, L. Li, D. G. Dorrell, Y. Guo, "Decoupling Controller Design and Controllable Regions Analysis for the Space Vector Modulated Matrix Converter-Unified Power Flow Controller in Transmission Systems," Electric Power Components and Systems, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 1-14, 2018. SCI

    [17] J. Zhang*, L. Li, D. G. Dorrell, "Control and Applications of Direct Matrix Converters: A Review," Chinese Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 18-27, 2018. CSCD


    [1] J. Zhang*, M. Rivera, P. Wheeler, "Alternating Sequential Model Predictive Control of Matrix Converter,” 2023 IEEE International Conference on Predictive Control of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics (PRECEDE), Wuhan, China, pp. 1-6, 2023.EI

    [2] J. Zhang*, Y. Wang, Y. Yu, S. Wen, G. Liu, "Indirect Model Predictive Control of Flywheel Energy Storage System based on Matrix Converter,” 2023 IEEE International Conference on Predictive Control of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics (PRECEDE), Wuhan, China, pp. 1-6, 2023.EI

    [3] Y. Yu, J. Zhang*, G. Tian, G. Liu, "Alternating Sequential Model Predictive Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine,” 2023 IEEE International Conference on Predictive Control of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics (PRECEDE), Wuhan, China, pp. 1-4, 2023.EI

    [4] H. Wang, J. Zhang* and G. Liu, "Virtual Synchronous Generator Control Strategy Based on Matrix Converter," 2023 3rd New Energy and Energy Storage System Control Summit Forum (NEESSC), Mianyang, China, pp. 473-477, 2023.EI

    [5] J. Zhang*, G. Tian, G. Liu, "Active Disturbance Rejection Decoupling Control of Grid-Connected PWM Converter,” ICPET 2022-The 4th International Conference on Power and Energy Technology, Xining, pp. 1215-1220, 2022.EI

    [6] Y. Wang, J. Zhang*, G. Liu, "Model Predictive Control of Matrix Converter-based Flywheel Energy Storage System,” 2021 IEEE International Conference on Predictive Control of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics (PRECEDE), Jinan, China, pp. 819-824, 2021. EI

    [7] Q. Cao, J. Zhang*, G. Tian, "Model Predictive Control of Three-Phase Rectifier for Electric Vehicle Charging,” 2021 IEEE International Conference on Predictive Control of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics (PRECEDE), Jinan, China, pp. 915-920, 2021. EI

    [8] J. Zhang*, H. Chang, T. He, N. Zhang, G. Liu, "Virtual Synchronous Generator Controlled Matrix Converter for Grid Integration in Distributed Generation and Microgrid," IET The International Conference on Renewable Power Generation (IET RPG), Shanghai, 2019. EI

    [9] J. Zhang*, L. Li, D. G. Dorrell, J. Rodriguez, M. Norambuena, "Investigation of Grid-Connected and Islanded Direct Matrix Converter for the Renewable Microgrid Applications with Model Predictive Control," 2018 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE 2018), Oregon, U.S., pp. 4644-4649, 2018.WOS.ISTP/CPCI+EI

    [10] J. Zhang*, L. Li, M. Norambuena, J. Rodriguez, D. G. Dorrell, "Sequential Model Predictive Control of Direct Matrix Converter without Weighting Factors," 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2018), Washington, U.S., pp. 1477-1482, 2018.WOS.ISTP/CPCI+EI

    [11] J. Zhang*, L. Li, L. Zhang, D. G. Dorrell, "Hysteresis Band Current Controller based Field-Oriented Control for an Induction Motor driven by a Direct Matrix Converter," 43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2017), Beijing, China, pp. 4633-4638, 2017.WOS.ISTP/CPCI+EI

    [12] J. Zhang*, L. Li, T. He, M. M. Aghdam, D. G. Dorrell, "Investigation of Direct Matrix Converter Working as a Versatile Converter (AC/AC, AC/DC, DC/AC, DC/DC Conversion) with Predictive Control," 43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2017), Beijing, China, pp. 4644-4649, 2017.WOS.ISTP/CPCI+EI

    [13] J. Zhang*, L. Li, Z. Malekjamshidi, D. G. Dorrell, "Predictive Voltage Control of Direct Matrix Converter with Reduced Number of Sensors for the Renewable Energy and Microgrid Applications," 2017 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE 2017), Cincinnati, U.S., pp. 3309-3315, 2017. WOS.ISTP/CPCI+EI

    [14] J. Zhang*, L. Li, D. G. Dorrell, Y. Guo, "Space Vector Modulation based Proportional Resonant Current Controller with Selective Harmonics Compensation for Matrix Converter Systems," 20th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS 2017), Sydney, Australia, 2017.WOS.ISTP/CPCI+EI

    [15] J. Zhang*, L. Li, D. G. Dorrell, Y. Guo, "A PI Controller with Current Feedforward to Improve the Steady-State Error Performance for the Current Controlled Direct Matrix Converter," 20th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS 2017), Sydney, Australia, 2017.WOS.ISTP/CPCI+EI

    [16] J. Zhang*, L. Li, D. G. Dorrell, Y. Guo, "Direct Torque Control with a Modified Switching Table for a Direct Matrix Converter based AC Motor Drive System," 20th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS 2017), Sydney, Australia, 2017.WOS.ISTP/CPCI+EI

    [17] J. Zhang*, L. Li, D. G. Dorrell, "D-q coupling suppressed pid controller for the transmission line power flow control using a matrix converter," The 42nd Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2016), pp. 6249 – 6254, Florence, Italy, 2016.WOS.ISTP/CPCI+EI

    [18] J. Zhang*, D. G. Dorrell, L. Li, "Applications of the Direct Space Vector Modulation Controlled Matrix Converter as the Unified Power Flow Controller," The 8th International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD 2016), pp. 1-6, Glasgow, UK, 2016.EI

    [19] J. Zhang*, D. G. Dorrell, L. Li, A. Argha, "A novel sliding mode controller for DC-DC boost converters under input/load variations," The 41st Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2015), pp. 1698-1703, Yokohama, Japan, 2015.WOS.ISTP/CPCI+EI




    [1] 张建伟, 孙广泽, "一种矩阵变换器的虚拟同步发电机控制方法及系统," 发明专利,专利号:ZL202010527516.7, 2023.07.14

    [2] 张建伟, "一种基于直接矩阵变换器进行组网的交流微电网系统," 实用新型专利, 专利号: ZL 202021056384.6, 2021.02.26.

    [3] 张建伟, "一种适用于新能源发电的蓄电池稳固装置, "发明专利,专利号:ZL202210965316.9, 2023.06.16

    [4] 张建伟, 王云辉, "一种可调节的新能源太阳能发电装置," 发明专利, 专利号: ZL202011469344.9, 2022.03.01.

    [5] 张建伟, 王会东, “一种电力变换器散热机构,实用新型专利, 专利号: ZL202320475182.2, 2023.09.26.

    [6] 张建伟, 喻研, “一种光伏新能源发电装置,实用新型专利, 专利号: ZL202320475176.7, 2023.09.26.

    [7] 张建伟, 曹乔森, “一种新能源充电插座检测装置,实用新型专利, 专利号: ZL202222016693.6, 2023.01.06.

    [8] 张建伟, 曹乔森, "一种用于光伏微电网的接口结构," 实用新型专利, 专利号: ZL202022999675.5, 2021.07.13.

    [9] 张建伟, 王云辉, "一种电力电子模块化的散热装置," 实用新型专利, 专利号: ZL202120749558.5, 2021.11.09.

  • 上一条:张娜


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